August 25, 2010- Our little man is 3 months old now. Where has the time gone? After dealing with colic we realized there was something else bothering our little man in a very big way. The suspect was a urinary tract infection, blockage or malformity. After a couple of visits and tests with our pediatrician we saw a specialist at Dell Children's in Austin. Thankfully everything checked out normal although we still wonder what was causing it. Still not sure but that issue getting better for him while a new one has emerged- reflux. He really didn't start spitting up until earlier this month and it very quickly went from somewhat normal baby spit-up to excessive and continuous. So for now we are adding a little cereal to his liquid diet to try and weigh it down some, treating the acid with Zantac and changing his clothes repeatedly throughout the day. Meanwhile, I am discovering the many ways to disguise spit-up on my clothes. Not really- I just wear it with pride!
Around the time the reflux was cranking up we noticed Brazos was having flare ups of red patchy areas on his cheeks. It could be heat rash but because he was having obvious problems with his digestive system an intolerance or allergy to milk protein is suspected. For now we have him on a hypoallergenic formula. Once the reflux is under control we will try to switch back to a regular formula to see if it really is an issue.
Around the time the reflux was cranking up we noticed Brazos was having flare ups of red patchy areas on his cheeks. It could be heat rash but because he was having obvious problems with his digestive system an intolerance or allergy to milk protein is suspected. For now we have him on a hypoallergenic formula. Once the reflux is under control we will try to switch back to a regular formula to see if it really is an issue.
Despite the reflux he is as happy as can be and sleeps all night which is a relief! He is smiling often and makes those wonderful baby cooing sounds. Just recently we started eating fruit. First up was peaches in honor of the bumper crop produced in the Hill Country this year. Brazos could care less about the significance of peaches in this area- he wasn't much of a fan of the spoon feeding so we'll keep trying.
Here's his stats from a visit to the doctor in early August:
Length: 24 1/2" (85%tile)
Head circumference: 40cm (37%tile)

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