Pecos has attended the last 3 years but only in childcare while I helped out. This was his first year to participate fully. In preparing for the week we listened to the music that would be part of the week of fun. One of the songs was about the theme of the week- Rainforest. The night before VBS I was putting Pecos to bed and I told him he would have so much fun at the Rainforest Bible School. His reply- "But Momma, they are just gonna have rainforest toys there and I'm not a rainforest kid, I'm a cowboy!" How do you respond to that?
So the next morning we picked up his best buddy Jace and headed to church. The photo on the left is them together on the first day- don't they look thrilled? And on the right is the last day- much more visible enthusiasm.
One day Pecos came home and told me the nuns had some toys with sticks for their hands. Huh? After my friend Tori shared a photo it all made sense- puppets!

The closing program at the end of the week is always fun. And I was curious to see if Pecos would stand up with the group and participate...he tends to have stage fright in front of a crowd. But how exciting for me to see him get up there to sing and dance.
Well, actually he sort of sang but didn't do any of the motions to the songs. He takes after his father in that regard. Casey would much rather take a beating than get in front of a crowd and participate in any sort of theatrical performance. So as everyone else put on a show Pecos stood front and center and watched the crowd.
There was one particular song the pre-k group performed that involved hunching down then jumping up. He was a star for that one.
Brazos came along to enjoy the show, I mean be held by Oma. (Another photo by Tori- she's the best at capturing these candid moments!)
The grand finale of VBS is singing at Mass on Sunday. Once again Pecos ended up front and center to watch the crowd while everyone else provided the entertainment. Which I guess all goes back to his original take on the Rainforest- "I'm a cowboy!"
Another discovery of the week was the need for Holy Water. On our way to Mass after the week of VBS went something like this:
Pecos declares: Rats! I forgot to get a can!
Me: A can? For what?
Pecos: To get some holy water!
Me: Really? Why do you need that?
Pecos: So I can bless myself! They told me at VBS I can get some holy water at the church to keep in my room to bless
We found an empty water bottle in the car on our way to Mass and he promptly filled it up so he could bless himself at home. And he does. Every night before bed and several times throughout the day. He even blesses Brazos and me. If I let him take it outside he would probably bless Widow Maker. And the cats. And anything else within sight. I think it is a very good outcome of VBS.
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