July 4, 2011- America is another year older and to celebrate our boys had another fun entry for the Fredericksburg Fourth of July Children's Parade. The ladies auxiliary for the VFW hosts the parade each year. It is fun to see all the kids decked out in patriotic gear. This year the boys won awards for Most Patriotic, Best Decorated Vehicle and Most Humorous. While we are appreciative of the hosts and their hard work to organize such chaos, there are so many participants it would almost be better if there weren't awards or prizes given out. All of the kids are so cute I'm sure it is hard to choose a winner no matter what the category. To be fair, Pecos gave two of his flag prizes to other participants that didn't win one.

Casey is compelled each year to create a show-stopper of an entry. We had the
rocket horse two years ago. Last year was the
covered wagon. This year was military. I had a different idea in mind but we couldn't quite figure out how Brazos would ride along with it. Casey thought if he built an army tank over the battery-powered jeep then Brazos couldn't get out and it would be a great entry for both of them. He was right, but you almost couldn't even see Brazos in it!

You are probably thinking that we are a bit too intense, obsessed and over-achievers. After all, it is just a children's parade. You're kinda right, but let me set the record straight- we are not super competitive parents out to smash the competition at a children's parade; we are out to make memories for our boys. Casey has the talent to build such fun parade floats and Pecos really loves the parade and is so proud when everyone takes his picture and tells him how much they like his entry. That is what it is all about for us. {Plus, Casey has this thing where he won't let himself be outdone and has to do something bigger and better each year.}
barefoot and waving a flag...it doesn't get much more American than that! |
MiMi & Paw Paw were here for the weekend to visit and to see what the fuss over this parade was all about. They had no idea how huge- and fun- it is.
Scenes from the parade route:
After the children's parade wrapped up it was time for the big parade. Pecos was having so much fun he wanted to drive his tank in the big parade. Oma & Opa offered to walk along just in case he got lost....or lost battery power. By the time it was all said and done he might have been the most photographed participant in the parade.
fly-over before the parade |
This is one of the many reasons I love Fredericksburg. Flags and people lining the parade route. No left-wing liberal is gonna tell us we can't wave a flag or take One Nation Under God out of our pledge!

We missed out on fireworks this year...none in Fredericksburg due to the drought. After two parades and a long, hot day and we were too tired to drive anywhere else to see them. Maybe next year. Happy Birthday, America!