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thankful for everything

November 21, 2012- Pecos' kindergarten class did a project for Thanksgiving stating what they were thankful for.  Here's the class bulletin board:

And here's Pecos' contribution.  He's thankful for everything.  

Happy Thanksgiving and hope you are thankful for everything!

1 little, 2 little, 3 little indians

November 19, 2012- I know I'm really behind on my blog postings and there's so many things that I promise will eventually get up here, but for now here's something to get you in the mood for Thanksgiving.

Brazos is just a bit confused on his heritage...a cowboy or an indian?

Here's some of the little indians at today's Thanksgiving Feast at St. Barnabas Mom's Morning Off Program.

They even got out the musical instruments and sang the 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians song.

Some of the decor the kids made to decorate the tables:

Oma & Opa made it to the feast.

Me and my little Indian cowboy:

flag football {movie}

Fall 2012-

Here's my latest "movie" project...Pecos' inaugural flag football season.

This is the link to the video on You Tube if the above file doesn't play for you.