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Christmas 2010

December 2010- Christmas Greetings from the Worrell gang.  We had a very blessed Christmas with way too many gifts and lots of time to spend with family.  Because my brother is getting married in just a few weeks in Louisiana we opted not to make the drive twice in one month.  Honestly, it doens't take much to talk me out of a 9 hour drive with kids.  With Brazos barely over his reflux we thought it would be best not to load him up and travel so much.  Plus there was lots to do around here that we never seem to have time to do so we made ourselves home bound for the week and loved it!

just a small portion of chex mix ready for delivery

teacher gifts

the gingerbread house, commonly mistaken for a help yourself candy buffet
Christmas elf
These boots were not intended to be a Christmas gift.  We ordered them in October for mid November delivery.  But they arived Christmas Eve.  And a text message from our mail carrier at the post office to tell us they had arrived is just one of the many quaint perks of living in a small town.

photo 10 out of 12 with the camera timer before leaving for Christmas Eve Mass

the trap Pecos set to catch Santa- and notice Santa peeking down to check for traps
Brazos with his new "boots"
just what Pecos wanted

maybe not what Brazos wanted,
but surely what he needs at 7 months old

This was the new piece of equipment Pecos wanted to add to his ranch and working pens.  What 4 year old doesn't need a squeeze chute?  And thank goodness Santa's elves put Worrell Brothers on it so it could be a gift for both of them to enjoy for years to come.  100% pure steel; I think it will be around for a while. 

fun times on Christmas morning

too much Christmas- nap time!

scenes from Christmas at Oma & Opa's

trying out big game hunter
 It's not Christmas until the boys get new Christmas pajamas!

7 months

December 25, 2010- Another month has flown by.  Brazos turned 7 months on Christmas day.  This month he has been very busy scooting around.  Not quite a full crawl yet but he can roll/scoot/drag himself short distances to get to what he is after.  No teeth yet, but everything goes in his mouth so something must be on the way.  We're trying out "table food" with him and usually get a crinkled face reaction because of the texture I think.  The milk sensitivity is still here but we're going to try and switch off the hypo-allergenic formula to a sensitive one and see if he can handle it- stay tuned! 

No check-up this month but we did make a visit to the doctor just before Christmas to get a full body rash checked out.  To our surprise it was Scarlet Fever.  Sounds scary but basically it is strep with a body rash (that is not an official medical definition, just mine!).  The rash was the only symptom he had thank goodness.  Never got a fever or cranky or fussy and his throat wasn't irritated.  In fact, the only reason I took him in was because I noticed it on Thursday and thought it was from the new Christmas pajamas he had worn the night before.  But then it got worse on Friday and I had to drop off my famous Christmas chex mix at the doctor's office anyway and asked if they would check it for me.  He said it was probably from the pajamas but would test for strep just to be sure.  And sure enough that's what it was and a round of antibiotics for Brazos and Pecos took care of it.  So our experience with it was very good but I can hardly imagine how pioneer mother's handled it without good doctors or medicine. 

christmas card & letter 2010

December 2010- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Worrell Family.  Our Chirstmas card for 2010:

And our first attempt at a Christmas letter.  We've wanted to do one for many years, just never seemed to be able to pull it together.  But somehow even though this year has been our busiest December ever we managed to do it.  So what if it I was up till 2am one night writing it and 4am the next night getting them copied, folded and stuffed into the 300+ Christmas cards we mailed out.  The point is we documented a snapshot of our family life into a letter at Christmas time.  We hope everyone enjoyed it.  Here it is in case you missed it:

The trail we followed this year is coming to an end, and looking back we can sum it up with one word: BLESSED. We now have two wonderful and healthy boys, Pecos- 4 years- and Brazos who will be 7 months on Christmas day. We did not set out to name them after Texas rivers, we just liked the names. But in keeping with the theme, if a baby girl ever shows up around here we’d have to name her Guadalupe!

Pecos earned a new nickname; Tuffy is learning at a young age that the life of a Top Hand can be hard on the body. In February of this year, Pecos had a horse accident and was air-lifted via helicopter to a San Antonio hospital. Since Erin was 5 months pregnant they wouldn’t let her go along for the ride. So he braved the trip alone with the flight crew. Not only tough but incredibly brave too! Through nothing less than a miracle from God, he healed up perfectly with no ongoing complications and proved his toughness once and for all.

At four years old, Pecos is a cowboy through and through. He wears a hand-me-down hat from Casey every day and prefers boots and jeans even though Erin insists he wear shorts in the hot Texas summer. His thoughts are consumed by everything ranching and even has his own (imaginary) cowboys named Jimmy Dale, June-July, August and newest to the crew, Boudreaux. He gives them instructions daily on which bulls to pen, run through the squeeze chute and load up in the trailer. When Casey returns home, Pecos’ first question is always “Daddy, how were those pens set up at those ranches this week?” And then he goes directly to his room to build an identical set up with his toy panels and chutes. He often holds a weekly auction with his cattle and horse toys. Brazos is always the volume buyer.

Pecos accomplished a major rite of passage for a world champion after scoring 86 points and winning a buckle at his first mutton busting at the Stonewall Peach Jamboree Rodeo. Of course after this, mom is thinking about future broken bones and dad is thinking about the National Finals Rodeo! Life as a cowboy would not be complete without a good mount. Santa brought Pecos a miniature horse last year for Christmas. His first response to getting the pony was “Now I can rope momma’s chickens!” At 36 inches tall and a girth nearly double that,widowmaker will not likely win any Top Ranch Horse honors, but she is becoming a legendary kid horse here in Harper.

Brazos arrived on May 25th weighing in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 inches tall. He has been such a gift and brought so much joy to our family the second half of this year. While Pecos seems to be the most excited about being a big brother, it looks like Widowmaker will have a few more years of hard riding. While we still have plenty of time to learn what Brazos’ interests will be, we do know he ADORES his big brother and just lights up with excitement any time he is near. We can guess he’ll be a constant shadow and companion to Pecos. He really enjoys story time with Pecos and Casey on those nights we are fortunate to have Casey home at bedtime. The beginnings of personality traits and temperament are starting to show and Brazos is every bit as excited and animated as Pecos is calm and collected. So we’ll certainly have our hands full! For now, he is Erin’s main sidekick while Pecos attends pre-school. And although he hasn’t made the trek to Louisiana yet (thanks to reflux!), we hope 2011 will bring him a tummy that travels a bit better and us a few opportunities to visit Erin’s family.

Erin stays involved with the community and church as a professional volunteer. She also manages to keep up with a few work projects of her own, mainly with program development, communications, event planning and a little writing. She enjoys the variety of freelance work, the flexibility, and opportunity to keep in tune with agriculture and events other than play dates and school activities. If that isn’t enough to fill a day’s time, she fits in a wide range of office tasks for Casey. All of this leaves her very little free time but she somehow maintains our blog site for family and friends to keep tabs on the antics of our crazy life! If you are interested, just visit

Our business has had the best year ever and we are so thankful to all of our loyal customers. We realize that it is our customers that provide for our family and allows Erin to stay home with the boys. After 12 years as an ultrasound technician, Casey looks forward to every day spent on these ranches. It is amazing how he has built such great relationships all over the country. The people he works with make the travel and time away from home worth it. We never know which direction he is going next, but anxiously await his safe return. Our nightly prayers include a request to keep him safe and healthy.

As we remember this past year, there is a Bible verse that comes to mind: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

God continues to bless us in ways that are unimaginable. We look forward to seeing what He has in store for us in 2011 and truly hope it includes more time to catch up with so many of our dear friends and family along the way.

johnson city lights

December 2010- It has become a tradition to load up and see the lights in Johnson City, noteably the ones at Pedernales Electric Co-Op who just happens to be our electricity provider.  They must have over a million lights and when you are standing amidst them it seems like daylight.  They claim to be converting them all over to LED lights but I really didn't notice and it's not like they have to pay the electric bill.  But it just doesn't seem like Christmas to me until we drive over to Johnson City- with much protest from Casey- to see the lights. 

it was a little chilly so brazos viewed the entire spectacle from the stroller

This year Santa was on hand and Pecos just couldn't wait to tell him he wanted a trampoline.  Poor Santa kept asking his name and Pecos just replied "I want a trampoline!"

A short walk over to a park area to view the various displays is also in order.  Plenty of photo ops available here.

Pecos has really been into mazes lately.  So he was extremely excited to find a maze that he could go through.  Casey went with him while I waited and waited and waited for them to exit.  There was a series of stamps to collect throughout the maze and he just wasn't going to leave until he had them all.

Now that this annual ritual is out of the way, we're ready for Christmas!

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!

December 3, 2010- It is not officially the Christmas season until the Fredericksburg Christmas parade.  The parade is always the first Friday of December in the evening and all the parade entries must have lights.  I love parades and insist on a great viewing spot which has made me a bit obsessive about parking early.  As always, we park our car on Main Street 2 or 3 days in advance of the parade, then on parade day we are not in such a rush or panic to get a good parking spot.  So here we are the day of the parade and we arrive at said parking spot which just so happens to be right in front of The Fredericksburg Bakery.  After loading up on hot chocolate, German pretzels and Christmas cookies we opened up the back of the car to sit back and enjoy the sights.

Although Brazos participated in the 4th of July parade and watched the Fair parade in August, this was the first one for him to enjoy and react to the sights and sounds.  He loved it!
Please take note of the battery powered lights adorning Pecos' hat.  I also had some that I wore with my scarf but had to remove them because Brazos tried to eat them. 

It took no less than 10 attempts to get a decent shot of Brazos in his Christmas sweater.

One of the few parade photos that turned out decent.  Note to self- learn more about the settings on your camera to take photos of the lighted parade next year!

And finally, our group photo at the end of the parade...Brazos didn't quite make it to the end!