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birthday boy- the big 3

August 18, 2009- Well the big day finally arrived. Pecos had been anticipating his birthday for weeks and he celebrated all day long. The day started with an offer to make him pancakes for breakfast. Those are usually his favorite but instead he requested Apple Jacks- go figure! Then it was on to presents from us and a few sent by family. A fishing game from Auntie Em & Uncle Kris and Lincoln Logs from Uncle Eric sure kept him busy. But the big gift of the day was a JakeSteer roping dummy. Just what our little cowboy needed- another target for roping practice. I'm thinking this may give Denis the rooster a much needed break. So he did a little roping with it and then decided it was just the right size to practice steer wrestling.
The party at the bounce house was a big hit. Pecos had lots of friends come to bounce and play and celebrate the big day. Pecos and his best buddy Jace taking a break from the bouncing.The bounce house cake:Eating some yummy cake:
After the typical activities of singing Happy Birthday, eating cake and opening presents it was time to leave. We asked Pecos if he wanted to go eat supper and he said "no, I just want to go home and play with my presents!" Glad he has his priorities in order!
The weekend prior to his birthday Mimi & Paw Paw came to visit so he actually got to have two celebrations and practiced the whole excitement for presents thing. He mastered it in time for his actual birthday.
Cupcake to celebrate his birthday with MiMi & Paw Paw.
A new bike!!! Thanks MiMi & Paw Paw!
This is how Pecos ended his birthday:

The next day I asked him if he had a good birthday and he said "Yes! I want to do it again!" All in all Pecos had a great birthday and we had fun watching him enjoy it but we still can't believe how fast the past 3 years have flown by.

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