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if the shirt fits

November 2009- Pecos and I went shopping recently and he insisted on this shirt. At first I thought I'd stick to my guns and not give in to his demands. The more I thought about it I realized, if the shirt fits, wear it!! Ok, so that is not exactly the cliché but I thought it sounded funny.That's right, Pecos is going to be a big brother. I'm due May 30th. Yes, I'm feeling fine and no, I haven't had morning sickness but I have battled bronchitis and a stomach bug. Yes, we were surprised and yes, we are thrilled. No, we don't know if it is a boy or girl yet but we do intend to find out. Does that cover it?

Two days after we informed Pecos of his big-brother-to-be status it was his turn to be the reporter for the day at school. Keep in mind Pecos is only at school two days a week so his turn to be reporter only comes up every 4 or 5 weeks. Of all days, it had to be his day. And this is what he reported. So there you have it, another ranch hand will be added to the gang and we wanted you to know!
P.S.- please don't send Pecos a cow for Christmas unless you also intend to send feed for it for life!


Tori said...

I am so excited!! I hope you have a healthy and safe pregnancy and I cant wait to make something cute for Her/Him (herherherher)..i hope it is a HER so you can break the Worrell "Spell"...

Suzy said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for ya'll!

Unknown said...

I just really can not be happier for ya'll! Congrats! Think pink ... while we will love all sweet babies ... that Worrell family needs to finally discover life with girls that aren't "married in". I know Pecos is going to so enjoy being the big brother!

Button said...

Many Congrats to you! Pecos is going to be a great big bro! Best of luck in your new adventures.