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pecos' showing debut

July 9, 2010- Pecos made his cattle showing debut at the Gelbvieh Jr. National Show in College Station, TX.  Why at the Gelbvieh show?  Two words: opportunity and timing.  Uncle Duke and Aunt Shannon have been involved with the breed and helping out some junior members for the past several years.  Since the national junior show would be in Texas this year and they would be there with a heifer available for pee wee showmanship and Pecos was at the right age to want to show we took advantage of the opportunity and timing. 

Here's some scenes from the practice session in Mason a week prior to the show.

And here's Pecos arriving at the show on Thursday for another practice session.  Since the heifer- Wendy- is red Pecos insisted she needed a red halter.

A last minute strategy session with dad and Uncle in if they ask what kind of heifer you have don't tell everyone she's really a Red Angus!

Entering the ring...a proud moment to see the 4th generation of my family at the end of a show halter.  
 Looking for the judge...

The interview portion went something like this:

Jr. Director: What is your name and where are you from?
Pecos, as he grabs hold of the microphone:  Pecos Worrell from Harper, Texas! (very clear and loud- a future in public speaking perhaps?)
Jr. Director: What's your heifer's name?
Pecos: Wendy
Jr. Director: What do you like about her?
Pecos: Roping calves. (He thought they asked what he likes to do, not what he likes about the heifer)
Jr. Director: Is there anything you don't like about her?
Pecos: She licks!!
A ribbon in the pocket and a trophy in hand- first time out was a success!

Had to take an official photo at the backdrop.

And of course, every champion needs to celebrate. 
Drinking Dr. Pepper out of his trophy cup.

The trophy is proudly on display in Pecos' room.

Although Pecos had a great time showing and says he wants to do it again sometime, this is what he really loved the most.  The Happy Toy Maker had his merchandise for display and entertainment for the kids.  It was hard to pull Pecos away from here long enough to show.  Here's all the boys in the play pen.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Oh My Word, Go Pecos!!!
So excited for him and so proud for you!!!!