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5 months old

October 25, 2010- Brazos is 5 months old now!  My how time flies. 

This past month has been full of laughs and fun times for Brazos.  He REALLY loves laughing at Pecos.  And if Casey is home at night to put Pecos to bed and tell one of his famous bed time stories I usually put Brazos in the bed with them.  He gets really wound up with high pitched screeches and wiggles...maybe not the best thing to do just before bedtime!

After switching off the hypo-allergenic formula last month we realized that wasn't going to work because apparently little Brazos has a big sensitivity problem with milk protein- at least for now.  Maybe he'll grow out of it one day, who knows. 

Thrush was back again and this time we're trying a different medicine for it because he's getting it so frequently.  I hope this is the last of it.  Pecos went in to the doctor in early October for an allergy induced sinus infection and the doctor thought Brazos was also getting the start of it so she prescribed Amoxicillin for him.  He took it for 4 or 5 days and then I forgot it for a day or two- (bad on my part, I know).  A few days after that he was getting a little snotty again and I remembered the Amoxicillin and gave it to him to finish it off.  But he broke out in HIVES.  Yes, hives; and lots of them.  But thankfully it was just a skin reaction and no constriction of his airway to cause a complete panic attack for me.  So I'm pretty sure he's allergic to penicillin.  But hey, we've made it 5 whole months without an ear infection!

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