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7 months

December 25, 2010- Another month has flown by.  Brazos turned 7 months on Christmas day.  This month he has been very busy scooting around.  Not quite a full crawl yet but he can roll/scoot/drag himself short distances to get to what he is after.  No teeth yet, but everything goes in his mouth so something must be on the way.  We're trying out "table food" with him and usually get a crinkled face reaction because of the texture I think.  The milk sensitivity is still here but we're going to try and switch off the hypo-allergenic formula to a sensitive one and see if he can handle it- stay tuned! 

No check-up this month but we did make a visit to the doctor just before Christmas to get a full body rash checked out.  To our surprise it was Scarlet Fever.  Sounds scary but basically it is strep with a body rash (that is not an official medical definition, just mine!).  The rash was the only symptom he had thank goodness.  Never got a fever or cranky or fussy and his throat wasn't irritated.  In fact, the only reason I took him in was because I noticed it on Thursday and thought it was from the new Christmas pajamas he had worn the night before.  But then it got worse on Friday and I had to drop off my famous Christmas chex mix at the doctor's office anyway and asked if they would check it for me.  He said it was probably from the pajamas but would test for strep just to be sure.  And sure enough that's what it was and a round of antibiotics for Brazos and Pecos took care of it.  So our experience with it was very good but I can hardly imagine how pioneer mother's handled it without good doctors or medicine. 

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