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8 months

January 25, 2011- It has been a very busy month for Brazos.  Christmas and Uncle Eric's wedding!  Plus, he is on the move, crawling everywhere.  I wasn't prepared for him to be so mobile so soon; after all Pecos didn't walk until 15 months and he never had a really strong crawl, it was more of an army crawl and dragging himself.

The way his leg is cocked back here is generally how he sits after crawling and then getting to a sitting position.  Looks awkward but it works for him!

The many faces of Brazos:
Still no teeth yet but maybe soon; everything goes in his mouth so we try to be sure all of Pecos' toys with small pieces are not left lying around.  He can really put down the puffs and Cheerios.  We try to give him "real" food anytime we are eating but he just doesn't care for the texture as he often replies with a grimace and usually spits it out. 

At about 6 months old he was babbling and would make "MaMa" sounds, then that turned into just grunting sounds for about a month.  Now he's back to babbling, this time with "DaDa" sounds. 

Here's the latest stats:
Weight- 20.05 pounds (58% tile)
Height- 29.5 inches (92% tile)
Head circumference- 17.25 inches (22 %tile)

At his well baby check he got 2 shots; one on the delayed vaccination schedule and the second dose of flu vaccine.  And for now we think he has outgrown his dairy intolerance.  He's on a low lactose formula and things seem to be going well; what a relief.  His refulx also seems to have worked itself out and I have enjoyed not smelling like spit-up all day long!

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