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rather sweet

Jan 16, 2009- Let me explain.....Pecos was exploring the contents of Oma's kitchen cabinets when he came across a bag of Easter sprinkles. Oma told him those were for cupcakes, not for the bread she was currently making. Well, Pecos insisted that we make cupcakes right then and there. And being the good Oma that she is, of course she obliged. And let me just admit that yes, we broke just about every parenting and child safety rule in the process. 1) Don't eat cake batter that has raw eggs in it- check! 2) Don't put a child on the kitchen counter top- check! 3) Don't give a child sugar just before bedtime- check! 4) Don't put a hot pan from the oven near a child- check! And I'm sure there are many others but Pecos was not harmed in the process and Oma and I laughed harder than ever with Pecos' animated comments about the cupcake making process and his desire to sniff and taste everything. At every step along the way he narrated what we were doing and said "rabbits now?!" So when we finally got to the end and it was time to eat a completely baked, iced and decorated cupcake do you know what he said? "I no like it!!!" Couldn't let good cupcakes go to waste now could we? Oma & I took care of them!!

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