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power to the pre-school people

September 1, 2009- Another milestone reached: Pecos started pre-school today. It was a big day and we have been preparing for it for a quite some time now. For the past week we've been reading books about going to school- Berenstain Bears, Little Monster, Diego, Backyardigans- if the character has a book about going to school we read it! And we've talked about it constantly. But when the big day came I still was not emotionally ready for it to happen! It's not that I want him home with me all the time, it is just that he is growing up so fast and I can't stop it! Such a cliché, I know, but it is just too much!

Pecos handled it fine. He was a little uneasy at first but thankfully we arrived before the big rush so it was a little quiet, he put his things in his cubby, put his apple on the bulletin board and started coloring. At that point I realized this may be the calm before the storm so Casey and I made a quick exit before Pecos changed his mind about being there. I did fine and didn't cry until I got to the bank....and in this small town they know us really well there. They are so used to Pecos being with me in the car that they automatically reached to the candy bowl for a sucker. Then they looked in the backseat to wave to him and said "WHERE'S PECOS?" And that's when I lost it. I'm sure they had to mute the sound coming from the drive-thru window so as not to disturb the entire bank!

How did the day go for Pecos? Great! His best buddy Jace is in his class, so is another good friend, Demi. I didn't get a chance to talk to the teacher when I picked him up so I'm wondering if there will have to be some distance put between them all at nap time!
Here we are with our grown up pre-schooler on his big day:

1 comment:

Button said...

What a big fella, ready to learn! He looks so cute at his desk.