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christmas 2009

December 25, 2009- We had a great Christmas this year visiting family in Louisiana, then back home for Christmas day and spending the following week home working on all sorts of projects around the house.

Pecos had fun with MiMi and Paw Paw in Louisiana. The shop in the background is not the remnants of a hurricane. It is new construction on a shop for Paw Paw, which Pecos thinks will be his new play space. We'll see.
Pecos made cookies for Santa and insisted that Santa's milk be served in the boot mug from Germany. Santa left his boot prints in the fireplace ashes. Mighty big boots there, Santa.Number one on Pecos' list this year was a roping pony. And Santa delivered. This is the roping pony that Pecos named Widow Maker. This photo was from his first ride on a very cold Christmas day. Santa did good, but the postal service let him down on delivery of tack in time for Christmas. So we had to make due with whatever we could find to fit this pint-sized pony. After this ride Pecos dismounted and declared "I'm the World Champion!!"Then Casey decided since the pony's name is Widow Maker she ought to be ridden like a bronc. Did I marry Casey Tibbs or Casey Worrell? At times like these I'm not sure.Number two on Pecos' list this year was a boot shine machine. He got acquainted with such a machine on our trip to Germany. Two days after our return we took him to see Santa where he announced he wanted one for Christmas. And since Pecos was such a good boy this year he got just what he asked for. I think it is the first request from a 3-year old for a boot shiner that Santa has ever heard.Other Christmas fun was a gingerbread house that Pecos thought served much better as a 24-hour candy buffet than holiday décor.And a Happy Birthday cake for Jesus.We finished the holidays off with Worrell family Christmas on the 30th and Pecos now has enough toys and gear to get him through another year.

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