June 18, 2010- Pecos made his mutton bustin' debut at the Peach Jamboree in Stonewall, TX. And this debut was a surprise for us. We've talked about mutton bustin' many times and he has several rodeo blooper dvds that has them on it. So we've had several discussions about mutton bustin' and riding when he gets bigger. We were even at a rodeo in Junction in May and we asked him if he wanted to do it but he said no because he 'needs to get bigger and practice'.
So when we left the house to head to Stonewall I didn't even grab my camera. With a newborn, a diaper bag and stroller I figured I had enough to tote around. And since we were just going to watch I figured I didn't need a camera.
As the rodeo was about to begin they announced to come sign up for mutton bustin' and Pecos proclaimed that he wanted to ride. Casey and I looked at each other and said "yeah, right!" So just to humor him we went over and paid the $10 to sign him up. And he was too far down the list to go in the heat before the rodeo performance. So we thought surely he would watch them and decide he didn't want to do it. Wrong! He analyzed each rider and declared if they were good or not.
When it was time for the second heat of riders we thought surely he would back out. Casey took him over behind the chutes where the saddle bronc riders were warming up and told Pecos that all of them started out riding in the mutton bustin. That got him excited so into the arena they went with the other contestants. Casey thought Pecos would want to wear his cowboy had instead of the required helmet and since we had already signed our life away on a liability release he asked Pecos if he wanted to wear his hat but he said no he'd go for the helmet.
As I was watching from outside the arena I watched the first 5 or 6 sheep leave the chutes and they were all going at somewhat slow speed. At the same time Casey watched the next batch get loaded in the chute and had his eye on the one crazy one in the bunch hoping Pecos wouldn't get it. But of course that's the one they loaded for our buckaroo and it shot out of the chute like a rocket! Pecos was halfway down the arena before you could blink!
As Pecos prepared to go Casey got him on the sheep with a hug around its neck as far as his little arms would reach. He told Pecos to ride all the way to the end until the sheep stopped. And as they left the chute Casey gave Pecos a swat on the rear and said "Ride 'em like a world champion!"
And they sheep ran straight down the middle of the arena with Pecos holding on for dear life.
When they got about halfway down the area Pecos rolled off the side and hit the dirt. Then he just layed there for a few seconds until the clown helped him up. There were tears...I don't think he expected to go so fast or hit the dirt so hard. He scored 86 points!!
Casey made his way to get Pecos and told him he rode just like Casey Tibbs and Bruce Ford. Through the tears he told Casey he wasn't gonna do that anymore!
He got a plaque which he calls a trophy. It is hanging proudly next to his bed. He said he wants more trophies to hang on the wall. Casey said you have to ride again if you want more trophies and he said okay.
It was a great experience as you can tell. And an expensive one since I had to purchase photos from the rodeo photographer. Oh, and Casey promised Pecos that if he was one of the winners he would get him a buckle. So we've got one of those on order too!