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swimming lessons

June 21-July2, 2010- Pecos took swimming lessons for the first time.  Well, actually, he took them last summer but at his age it was with a parent in the water.  And for him it was just play time but I guess that is okay.  This year was the real deal- no parent in the water and too deep for him to touch.

This lifeguard was assisting on the first day.  Pecos asked me "why that boy teacher's skin is all brown?"  After holding back a laugh I just told him it was because he doesn't wear enough sun screen.

Here he is, hugging the wall with the other kids.  After a few minutes the other kids realized they didn't have to hold themselves quite so high out of the water.  But not Pecos, he wasn't lowering himself down into the frigid depths. 

So he stayed like this for the first week of lessons.  I just knew his elbows would give out and he'd scrape his chin on his way down.

And here is the future Michael Phelps with his teacher practicing some splashing- I mean kicking.

When I took swimming lessons as a kid we always got a special treat on the last day.  Mom would take us to get donuts when we were done.  Not sure why donuts were the chosen treat but it might have something to do with the location of Donut King right next to the pool.  Anyhow, I thought I'd continue this tradition with my donut-loving offspring.  But on the last day of lessons it was rainy and cold and I just couldn't bring myself to make Pecos freeze through it.  So we skipped the lessons and just got the donuts!!

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