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4 months old

September 25, 2010-  A quarter of a year has passed already for our little guy.  This month Brazos has really started to laugh and smile and settle into a somewhat predictable routine. 

But we've still been battling reflux.  And thrush- he's had his third or maybe fourth round of it.  The medicine prescribed for it works great to get rid of it but then it comes back a week or two after it goes away.  We sterilize everything with a standard bottle sterilizer but have even begun to boil everything at least once a week. 

For now we've switched from the hypo-allergenic (translation: expensive!) formula back to a "gentle/sensitive" formula.  But we're still not sure if he has a sensitivity to milk protein so we may be back on a hypo-allergenic formula again. 

And he got his first immunization at his 4-month well baby visit.  With all the issues Brazos is having and the paranoia from reading too much and talking to too many moms of toddlers I'm doing a delayed vaccination schedule with him.

As for baby food, applesauce and pears seem to be his favorites.  Still not a big fan of peaches but bananas are good.  And we've started with vegetables- squash and sweet potatoes so far. 
Brazos is still wearing 3-6 month clothes, but barely!  I'm sure he'll be moving up a size in the next month.  Still in a size 3 diaper and not sure what shoe size because I've yet to put any one him- he sometimes wears socks but mainly goes barefoot everywhere!

Here's the stats from his 4-month well baby visit:

Weight: 16.5 pounds (77%tile)
Height:  26.75 inches (94%tile)
Head Circumference: 42.5 cm (55%tile)

Wanted to capture him at 4 months old so we had some quick portraits done:

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