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labor day

September 4-6, 2010- Labor Day weekend was packed with fun for the Worrell's.  Harper has their annual community gathering, Frontier Days.  It is a day of fun in the park with plenty of kid friendly fun, followed by a parade, BBQ meal and rodeo. 

We started the day at the kid's fishing contest at the creek/tank in the park.  They stock it with fish a week or so prior to the event and hope the water level holds and the fish survive.  Pecos was in the first group to fish- the 5 and younger crowd.  So Casey baited up the Lightning McQueen rod and reel and hoped for a big one.  But there was no 5 pound bass, just a few nibbles and nothing for him to catch.  But one kid did land a fairly large catfish so we know they are out there!

Brazos was still feeling the pain of reflux and an upset digestive system so he stayed close to me for the most part.

I was in charge of the stick horse rodeo which was fun for the younger kids.  And we managed to have a successful rodeo with lots of participants but no photos!  Pecos and Brownie had a few good runs and came out first in the barrels and flag race but a late start put them third in the horse races.

Pecos enjoyed the parade; Brazos, not so much.  

Finally, on Labor Day, Casey was in Kansas ultrasounding cattle at Gardiner Angus so the boys and I had a picnic in "the shady spot" down in the pasture.  Pecos and I always talk about what a nice place that would be to have a picnic because it is shady and there are no rocks.  So we penned the horses and heifers and enjoyed our picnic.

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