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opening day

November 6, 2010- Opening day of deer season is always packed full of activity.  This year the boys and I suited up in our cammo to head into town for the Harper Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry.  Casey opted out of the cammo attire.  The frown on Pecos' face in this photo was due to the fact that I told him he had to put down his gun, I mean stick.
Huntin' buddies:
MiMi & Paw Paw arrived early afternoon.  Paw Paw was missing the boys so he drove MiMi over, stayed for a night and headed back home for work.  MiMi stayed a few more days to watch the boys while I went out of town for a work project.  While Paw Paw was here he helped Pecos move some firewood to the porch for me.  Pecos is learning at a young age to take care of his momma....and I couldn't be any happier about that!

As for hunting, the deer on our place all survived.  After weeks of talk from Pecos about his plans to hunt with Casey in the morning he decided the night before that he would wake up early but just get in bed with me instead of going hunting.  So Casey went out alone but didn't see any bucks.  Maybe that is because we seem to be over-run with does and spikes.  He said there was just too much to do that day to mess with a deer so we'll have to wait a while for deer sausage and jerky.

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