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{dis} r-e-s-p-e-c-t

January 2013- Pecos is having a bit of a struggle with boredom at school.  I knew this would be an issue by taking a red shirt year of kindergarten.  I know he feels like it is the same ol' thing and he already knows everything.  But boredom shall not lead to disrespectful least that's what I'd like.  We are still 100% sure that keeping Pecos back because of his age was the right thing to do, we just have to figure out a way to make it to the end of the school year without boredom translating to bad behavior in class.

Today he didn't want to play alphabet bingo.  I'm still not sure exactly what happened because I haven't had a chance to visit with his teacher but Pecos is honest with me for the most part with what goes on at school.  Apparently he didn't care to play the game so his teacher asked if he'd rather go sit in the principal's office instead...and he said yes so that's what he did.  But he says he wasn't in trouble, he just wanted to go there rather than play bingo.

We had a talk about respect and that even though he may not want to do whatever it is his teacher is asking him to do he still needs to respect her and do what she says.  And do it nicely without being sassy.  I told him Mrs. Randle has a hard job teaching so many kids and he needs to help her by listening and behaving.  He agreed.  He also agreed that it may have hurt her feelings when he didn't obey and that maybe he should write her a note to make her feel better.

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