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progress report

January 2013- For those that have been following along in the saga which is potty training Brazos we have some progress to report.

Yes, this is my youngest child with his bottom in a feed bucket.  Now, before you go criticizing my methods or turning me into the authorities let me share with you the backstory to this happening.

For quite sometime I've been requesting that the nightly bedtime story Casey tells the boys must end with the main fictional character ~ Boudreaux~ pooping in the potty.  I really don't care what Boudreaux does during the story, as long as he poops in the potty at some point.  As you can imagine after several weeks of this Casey was tired of telling stories with such a predictable ending and Pecos was tired of having to hear them for the benefit of Brazos.  As for Brazos, he really could care less one way or the other and it really wasn't making an impact on potty training but I still insisted.  To change things up a bit Casey told a story that Boudreaux was outside and there was no potty so he had to poop in a bucket.  Not a big deal really, until you flash forward a few weeks.

So there we were, down at the horse barn.  Chief was tied up to the rail and Pecos was brushing him.  Brazos had made a few laps around the pasture with Widow Maker in tow and she was now tied up to the ATV and he was off collecting rocks and sticks.  Low and behold he had to poop and he actually told me!  See, I told you we've made progress.  I knew there was zero chance I could get the horses untied and up to the house in time for Brazos to make it to the potty and I really didn't want him going in his pull-up.  Can you imagine me taking off up the hill with poor Widow Maker racing alongside?

Since I had an empty feed bucket handy I told Brazos he'd have to go in the bucket.  When he seemed a bit shocked at my reply I simply told him he'd have to poop in the bucket just like Boudreaux.  Wow, that made sense to him!  {See, those seemingly endless stories came in handy!}

Oh, it wasn't as simple as that....he really didn't want to.  First he squatted on it and then said he was done without making a deposit.  At that point I knew it was only a matter of time before he would say he needed to go again.  So I started gathering our things and letting the horses go.  But I wasn't fast enough and he had to go again.  This time the Miralax was too much for him to hold off and he really did go in the bucket.

Don't believe me?  Just watch for yourself:

Now, would anyone like some special candy made by Brazos?!

1 comment:

AmandaAnne said...

Nice candy bar! Good job ya'll!!!!