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lego land

April 2011- If you know Pecos then you know he LOVES Legos.  Borderline obsession.  He's wanted this farm set of Legos for several months.  So he's been saving his money to buy it.  And how does a 4-year-old get all that money?  He's been trapping varmints that have been getting into the shop.  And he's convinced Opa they are worth a $5 bounty.  And he may or may not have managed to get a few payments from Paw Paw and Casey.  Plus he might have gotten a little extra for a skunk and wild cat he trapped. Doesn't take very long for it to all add up.  He was a happy boy when the "GPS man" delivered his new Lego set.

Brazos was excited to play with the box.

This is why Legos are not intended for 11-month old babies:

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