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make way for ducklings

April 2011- Sometime in mid-March these guys showed up at my house.

Actually, I knew they were coming.  Opa decided he and Pecos would get ducklings and raise them to turn loose down at the Pedernales river at Oma & Opa's place.  (I'll let you guess who has been doing most of the raising).  They picked Pecos up at school one afternoon and headed in to Kerrville to pick out 5 little ducklings.  Pecos was really excited to get them but he told me "I can't believe they don't quack, they just squeak."  Before you think I have lost my mind let me clarify...after inspection here at our house they made their way home to Tivydale Road. 

Brazos tried to taste one...silly little Cajun baby, they have to be much bigger before we can eat them
Despite his interest in animals, Pecos has never been one to just grab hold of them to cuddle....he's much more of an observer.  As you can see he was ever so careful to only touch  this one long enough for the picture. 

checking in on the ducks at Oma & Opa's
their first swimming session
headed for deeper water for more swimming lessons
deeper water for swimming

brazos wonders if he can eat it yet
Now that they are much bigger there is a debate on when and where to release them.  Pecos is still set on the river but we think Lady Bird Park may prove to be safer from varmints.  Still to be determined.

almost ready for release
UPDATE- June 2011- A not so happy ending to the short-lived duck raising experience: varmints got the ducks one night shortly before their planned release at Lady Bird park in Fredericksburg.  We told Pecos the coons got them and they "went to see Jesus".  He was a bit sad and said he needed to set his traps to catch those coons.  And that's all he had to say about that!

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