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flower power

Springtime 2012- Despite the drought last year we've had some really amazing wildflowers this spring. I don't know what the exact combination of winter rain and cold was but I'm sure loving what it left behind.

Of course bluebonnets are my favorite wildflower, but these are a close second.  They show up after the bluebonnets have seeded out and dried up for the year.  I don't even know what they are called. 

But I love the way their tufts are stacked.

We have a small patch of them on our place and most of them grow as individuals.

But some grow in small clusters.

We also had some Mexican hats.

And Mexican blankets.

Even the cactus seemed to bloom more this year.

Here's how the blooms start.

I love when they just start to open.

This is the large cactus on the back of our place.

This one is down the road and you can see the orange color the blooms get as they develop.

Those darn thistles.  I'm certain the reason they grow such cool blooms is to trick people into thinking they are pretty and good to keep around.  Don't let them fool you.  They need to be eradicated.  This one drowned in Round-Up after I took the picture.


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